What we do for you

We invest across alternative asset classes on behalf of our shareholders.

Providing Financial Security

We serve institutional investors around the world, including retirement systems that represent tens of millions of teachers, firefighters and other pensioners.

Investing Range

We invest on a global basis across a wide range of asset classes including private equity, real estate, public debt and equity, growth equity, opportunistic, non-investment grade credit, real assets and secondary funds.

Making a Positive Impact

We seek to drive economic growth and make a positive impact. We do this by using extraordinary people and flexible capital to help companies solve problems, and to engage with our local communities

Strategic Partners

We have executed many types of transactions, from single-fund transfers to complex portfolio solutions and direct investments. We clearly define the objectives for each investment and pursue it only if it makes sense for everyone involved.

Tactical Opportunities

Whether in times of stability or volatility, in good markets or in bad, there are always strategic opportunities for those with the skills and talent to see what others don’t. Windows of opportunity open and close without warning

Fostering Social Responsibility

We advise global leaders on their most critical issues and opportunities